The True Meaning Of Memorial Day From A Florida Gold Star Daughter

Lauren Berkson & PBC Commissioner Dave Kerner

Photo: Lauren Berkson

The true meaning of Memorial Day...that's what a Gold Star daughter is trying to spread the word about.

"When you see people say 'Happy Memorial Day' or they think it's about barbecues or sales, it's not about that. It's about the freedom that we have and the Americans that we need to honor and remember."

Palm Beach County resident Lauren Berkson, whose father died serving in Vietnam, says some people mix up Memorial Day with Veterans Day.

"If someone serves and came home and lived out their life and then passed away, they would be honored on Veterans Day along with people who are still alive that served."

There are ceremonies scheduled across the state on Monday, but if you can't attend one Laura says there is still a way that you can honor those who died while serving our country.

"There was a law signed in 2000 that there would be a national moment of remembrance to pause and reflect, a Moment of Silence, at 3 p.m. for one minute."

Either way she hopes everyone will do something to honor our heroes who died while serving.

"I think it's important that our community commemorates Memorial Day and understands that it's a solemn day."

U.S. Army Capt. Joseph Berkson was 25-years old when the helicopter he was riding in was shot down. This month marks 50 years since that happened.

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