Florida Schools Prep For New School Year & New State Laws

Floridians Protest Passage Of Controversial Parental Rights In Education Bill

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As Florida school districts get ready for a new year, there are new laws that will have to be followed.

Among them is the Parental Rights in Education law. During Monday's Back-To-School Kickoff press conference, Palm Beach County Superintendent Michael Burke addressed that.

"We've gone through a lot of process to review all of our curriculum. But at the end of the day, there's not really a seismic change."

He says there won't be any real curriculum changes needed.

"I know teachers are apprehensive. There's some anxiety around that because everyone's afraid they're going to get sued. But I think the more that we've broken it down to provide that guidance. You kind of come to the conclusion that this isn't really going to have a huge impact or dramatically change what we're doing."

Burke says there are a few things that schools will have to be careful of around kids in grades kindergarten through third grade.

He cites a few books that have been removed from those classrooms and will now be available to older students in the campus libraries.

Burke and others with the school district also addressed things like security and hiring efforts during the summer.

We'll be following some of those items this week on-air and online.

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